In Memory of
William Buchanan Brazelton
Alice Berry Brazelton
In Memory of
Ella Pace McElveen
Parolee Blevins Pace
In Memory of
Mrs. William L. Prather*
William L. Prather, Jr.*
(*Waco Morning News, Jan. 22, 1912, p.3)
Cooper Memorial Window In Memory of Christine Cooper,
Daughter of
Madison Alexander Cooper
Martha Roane Cooper
Given by
Charles Louis Crow*
Inez Wemple Crow*
(*Waco Morning News, Jan. 22, 1912, p.3)
In Memory of
F.H. Sleeper
Mrs. Pattie M. Sleeper
In Memory of
John Fall
Sept. 22nd 1865 - Jan'y 4th, 1912
B.P.O.E 166, Waco:
The faults of our brothers we write upon the sand.
Their virtues upon the tablets of love and memory.
Sacred to the Memory of
William Thompson Neale*
Susan Walker Neale*
(*Waco Morning News, Feb. 19, 1913, p.3)
St. Phillip: A basket, in connection with feeding the multitude. Tau Cross
St. Andrew: Saltire Cross with boat anchor. He was supposed to have been crucified on a cross of this kind. Anchor to depict his trade as a fisherman.
St. John: Chalice out of which issues a serpent, depicting the attempt to slay him with a poisoned chalice.
St. James (Greater): Vertical Cross-hilted Sword for martyrdom. A scallop shell for pilgrimage.
St. Peter: Inverted Cross for his crucifixion. Crossed Keys to recall Peter's confession.
St. Simon: Oar - he traveled by sea. Saw and Battle-ax, he was either sawn apart or beheaded.
St. Thaddeus (Jude): Knotted club for Martyrdom. Lance - martyrdom. Boat-hook for his sailing on Missionary journeys.
St. Thomas: Carpenter's square - he was said to have built a church with his own hands. Arrows and Spear - he was stoned and shot with arrows and left for dead until a pagan priest ran him through with a spear.
St. Matthew: Purse, to depict his original calling as a tax collector. Halbert, his head was severed from his dead body with a battle-ax, or Halbert.
St. Bartholomew: Open Bible recalling his faith in God's word. Flaying knife for his martyrdom.
St. James (Lesser): Saw - his dead body was sawn asunder. Stones - he was stoned to death.
Chancel Cross and Crown:
Given by William Buchanan Brazelton
Chancel Entrance Windows - Communion - In Memory of James Henry Sturgis 1867 - 1946 and Lula Carroll Sturgis 1877-1971.
Chancel Entrance Windows - Baptism - In Memory of James Henry Sturgis 1867-1946 and Lula Carroll Sturgis 1877-1971
Chapel Chancel Window - In Loving Memory of Frank J. Trau given by his wife, Mrs. Frank J. Trau.
Lilies of Passion and Resurrection - Given to the Glory of God in Memory of Wanda May LeMaster by her family.
Cross and Crown reprised - Given to the Glory of God honoring the 150th Anniversary of First Presbyterian Church by Helen Day Mitchell.
Lower Narthex Tower Window (11th Street door) In Memory of W.B. Wilie June 29, 1893-January 18, 1963.
Lower Narthex Tower Window (staircase) In Memory of W.B. Wilie June 29, 1893-January 18, 1963.
St. Luke Window - Dedicated to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Dr. Merchant W. Colgin, Sr.
Education Wing Windows - There are two windows of this design. One is dedicated to Elizabeth E. Godber mounted in room C305. The other window is dedicated to William H. Godber mounted in the Youth Suite. These windows were originally installed in the former edifice of the First Presbyterian Church at 812 Austin Avenue.
This window was designed using historic painted and grisaille glass that has been place-holders for our more permanent stained glass windows. The flow of time is featured in this work by Bryant Stanton. It was installed in 2022 in honor of all those lost in the 2020 Pandemic.
Education Wing Windows - In Memory of W.B. McMullen. Originally installed in the former edifice of the First Presbyterian Church at 812 Austin Avenue.